Saturday 30 November 2019

Sumedha Bose of Class 12 committed suicide by jumping into a pond on 2019-11-22

Sumedha Bose, a young girl of Class 12 from a reputed school in south Kolkata took her own life by jumping into a pond on Friday, 2019-11-22 evening. She was unable to tackle the pressure of school studies.

* Where The Child Lives With Fear
* How India Travels
* Education And Career Pundit is an initiative by, the virtual space identity of Deep Banerjee, Independent Brand Marketing Strategist and B-school faculty pan-India.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Singapore abolishes school exam rankings, says learning is not competition

Whether a child finishes first or last will no longer be indicated in primary and secondary school report books from next year in Singapore, – a move which Education Minister Ong Ye Kung hopes will show students that “learning is not a competition”.

Report books will not just stop showing a student’s position in relation to class or cohort. The information to be dropped includes:

* Class and level mean
* Minimum and maximum marks
* Underlining and/or colouring of failing marks
* Pass/fail for end-of-year result
* Mean subject grades
* Overall total marks
* L1R5 (English plus five relevant subjects), L1R4, EMB3 (English, maths, best three subjects) and EMB1 for lower secondary levels

The Ministry of Education (MOE) said on Friday (Sept 28, 2018) that the change is to allow each student to focus on his or her learning progress and discourage them from being overly concerned about comparisons.

From next year all examinations for Primary 1 and 2 pupils will also be removed, and whatever forms of assessment they have will not count towards an overall grade.

The MOE said that teachers will continue to gather information about pupils’ learning through discussions, homework and quizzes. Schools will use other ways like “qualitative descriptors”, in place of marks and grades, to evaluate pupils’ progress at these two levels.

For older students in primary schools and secondary schools, marks for each subject will be rounded off and presented as a whole number, without decimal points – to reduce the focus on academic scores. Parents will continue to receive information about their child’s progress in school during parent-teacher meetings.

In an address to some 1,700 school leaders earlier this week, Mr Ong said: “I know that ‘coming in first or second’, in class or level, has traditionally been a proud recognition of a student’s achievement. But removing these indicators is for a good reason, so that the child understands from young that learning is not a competition, but a self-discipline they need to master for life.

“Notwithstanding, the report book should still contain some form of yardstick and information to allow students to judge their relative performance, and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.” 

Source: StraitTimes.  
Content courtesy: CitiNewsroom Dot Com dated October 2, 2018

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Most IT/ Computer Science qualified 'guys'/ 'dudes' are expected to "DRIVE TO LIVE" w.e.f 2023 - 24

Can someone explain why millennials address everyone as "Guys".

Because they studied in schools in India which never taught them to grow up up to be a GOOD & MODEST man and woman. Even while they were growing up, 7300 tech schools sprung up across the nation and those engineering colleges easily sold them and their parents the American dream.

Even more repulsive are those who are strangers to you but in the very first social media interaction, they start off with "Hey Deep Banerjee dude, ........"

Just wait till 2023 - 24. The floodgates will start opening up. The writing on the wall will be loud and clear for thousands of IT/ Computer Science qualified (but not educated) guys (oops  .... dudes), "No Parking in our Organization for deadwoods above 40 years of age".
Then they will 'DRIVE TO LIVE'!

None can evade 'karma'.
Waiting with bated breath for those years.

P.S: Exceptional ones will survive and come out unscathed. 

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Perfect 35 in every subject in Class 10

A Mumbai student scored a perfect 35 (the pass mark) in every subject in his Class 10 board exams in 2019.

Thursday 14 March 2019

The 'Natoore' (nature) and 'Footure' (future) of school children in India are pretty obvious

India's FOOTOORE is in the hands of a God gifted NAATOORE teacher!
Jai ho :P

With such teachers in schools, the 'Natoore' (nature) and 'Footure' (future) of school children in India are pretty obvious.

The parents of these kids could be menial workers, household helps, rickshaw pullers, etc and almost spend their entire earnings with the belief that their wards will grow up with absolute fluency in English.

School children in India grow up harbouring American Dreams inspite of such profound knowledge imparted by teachers

Even with such 'knowledge' imparted in schools, students nurture the American Dreams and grow up to become one of the 5+ lakhs students who passout every year from the 7000+ engineering colleges in India.
No wonders most of them are unemployable or will surely be jobless by the time they are 40.