Monday 4 July 2022

WBJEE statistics

WBJEE 2022 examination was conducted on April 30, 2022. The results were announced on June 16, 2022. A total of 1.1 lakh candidates had registered for the WBJEE 2022. Only 81,393 candidates appeared for the exam. 80,132 students passed the examination. 

Number of candidates who applied for WBJEE 2021 was 92,685. Number of candidates who appeared for WBJEE 2021 was 65,170. Number of candidates who qualified WBJEE 2021 was 64,850. 

Number of candidates who appeared in WBJEE 2019 dipped to 1,13,912 from the 1,25,075 in 2018. 

Remove dangerous softwares from laptop

How to remove dangerous softwares from laptop. 

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Umbrella is Amrela

Umbrella is Amrela. 
HS and Higher Secondary are different. 
Messaging in Rotten Inglish is enough to pass in English!
It's the 'Qualified Uneducated'  'hanikarak' commie TEACHERS who have pushed these kids to the edge and made them a laughing stock 😡  The kids protesting on roads failed in the HS Class 12 exams in WB. Most of them flunked in English. Their demand is to declare them as 'passed'. The results were published on 2022-06-10.
While the world is publicly shaming them, I am yet to find one of those commie buffoons who have protested and utter those oft spoken phrase, 'English is not their mother tongue'. The commie buggers will never be with the kids because they never want anyone to equal to them or their own children in social status!
* Education And Career Pundit
* How India Travels
* Events Of India

Monday 6 June 2022

Friday 29 April 2022

Shweta Agarwal, IAS officer on herself

Shweta Agarwal, IAS officer who grew up in a highly conservative Marwari family in the small town of Bhadreswar, Hooghly district, West Bengal spoke about herself in Kolkata in 2018. 

Sunday 24 April 2022

CBSE removes chapters on Mughals, etc

India has had enough. The new generations should learn that the camel mutra drinkers were anything but great. The community should be recognized as marauders! 
Congratulations NCERT 👌 
Better late than never. 
* How India Travels 
* Education And Career Pundit

Monday 31 January 2022

Naman Gupta of New Delhi upcycles cigarette butts into toys, etc

Naman Gupta of New Delhi upcycles used cigarette butts into safe and beautiful toys, pillows, etc. 

Source: NAS Daily. 
* Education And Career Pundit